Many homeowners on Cape Cod choose to install a home alarm system to protect their property and possessions. But is this the right choice for you? Depending on your needs, there may be other security options that are better suited to your situation. This post will help you decide if a home alarm system is right for you. We’ll cover the pros and cons of home alarms, and we’ll also provide some tips on choosing the right system for your needs.
Home alarm systems are an affordable way to protect your home and family
According to, the price of home alarm systems ranges from less than $5 to almost $3,000 and the more sophisticated custom-designed and -installed packages can cost even more. A standard home alarm system will cost on the order of hundreds of dollars. More expensive does not necessarily mean more effective. In fact, the mere presence of a visible security system may be sufficient to deter a would-be home invader. The presence of a sticker near the entrances to a property may be all that is needed to dissuade an individual with ill intent.

A home alarm system can be installed by a professional or DIY with some time and effort
Rob’s father was an attorney who wasn’t much of a handyman. The senior Mr. Lindeman’s advice was ‘don’t do it yourself’ if you want a critical piece of equipment installed correctly. That was back in the 1960s before the do-it-yourself (DIY) movement, and it was certainly before the era of YouTube. Nevertheless, when it comes to a system designed to help protect your most expensive investment, we recommend hiring a professional with good references.
An alarm system is not just for burglary protection – it also alerts you of any changes in the environment, such as smoke or gas leaks
A gas leak could be the precursor to a catastrophe. Fortunately, many security systems are equipped with gas detectors, or these systems can be purchased and installed separately. If the alarm is discharged, your home watch provider can be dispatched to your home to check the problem and contact the fire or gas company if needed.
You can choose from various types of alarms that offer different levels of security
The lowest level of security would be a sticker warning potential intruders, even if there is no sytem in place! This is the equivalent of a ‘beware of dog’ sticker in a home with or without dogs. Moving up the scale, motion-activated cameras and front-door speaker systems allow homeowners to ask visitors to identify themselves. Some more sophisticated systems allow homeowners to change the entry codes at will or to lock and unlock doors remotely to allow visitors in and out.

If you’re considering purchasing a new house, check if the previous owner had an alarm system before making the purchase
A competent alarm system can increase the purchase price of a home on Cape Cod, but the added level of security may be worth it. It is essential to check that the security is in full working order before finalizing a purchase. If it is not, or if the old system does not satisfy your needs, the cost of removing and replacing it may be substantial.
With a comprehensive alarm system, you can feel safe knowing that not only are you protected against burglars but also fire or gas leaks in your home. There are many types of alarms available at various price points with varying levels of protection depending on the level of risk you’re looking to mitigate. Nevertheless, there are aspects of home security that alarm systems cannot provide. To help you keep your home safe while you’re not there, call us at 339-221-4702 or email We are a licensed home watch provider certified by the National Home Watch Association.