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Do You Clean Better Than Your House Cleaner? | Liberty Siqueira

by | Mar 21, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments

You love your house cleaner. They come in twice a month and make everything look and smell amazing. But there’s one thing they don’t do: clean better than you do. In fact, you often find yourself cleaning up after them! Whether it’s picking up their used rags or sweeping the floors they missed, you can’t help but wonder: why are you paying someone to do a worse job than you?

Statistics show that most people don’t clean as well as their house cleaner

These statistics mean you’ve probably hired a lower-tier cleaner. My parents taught me that you get what you pay for. This saying goes for house cleaning as much as for houses or cars. The unfortunate truth of house cleaning is that the cleaners who do a better job than you cost more money than your current cleaner!

House cleaners have the training and experience to clean every place you might miss

The ladies who clean for me at Liberty Siqueira have forgotten more about cleaning than I ever learned. They have a degree of attention to detail that only trained eyes will catch. For example, you might not ever look at your baseboards, but they make a massive difference to the appearance of a space. When Liberty Siqueira cleans your baseboards, the entire house will look better, even if you can’t put your finger on what’s different.

Cleaning is time-consuming

Many of my clients call me because they are simply too busy to clean. These are the clients who are disappointed with poor cleaning services. Many of my clients would rather relax and spend quality time at home than lose sleep or family time cleaning up between work and family responsibilities. These folks shouldn’t pay for cleaners who do a worse job than they do!

You can save money by hiring a house cleaner

Time is money. Time is one of the few precious non-renewable resources we have in this world. What is two hours of your time worth, especially when the result is a clean, uncluttered space that allows you to enjoy the freedom to do anything else but clean? As paradoxical as it sounds, because time = money, hiring a competent house cleaner like Liberty Siqueira can save you money, precisely because we give time back to you.

House cleaners can help you stay on top of your cleaning tasks

Another paradox is that house cleaners can help you keep your own house clean! Clutter and dirt tend to accumulate. The more clutter gathers in your home, the less inclined you may be to clean it up. By contrast, if a good house cleaner comes in twice a month to clean up and unclutter your space, you are far more likely to decide to clean up a tiny bit of clutter or dirt.

At Liberty Siqueira, we have the training and experience to make your home sparkle. Hiring us will save you time, but it’ll also save you money. Competent, professional cleaners keep your home clean and neat without sacrificing your precious time. Plus, by enlisting our help, you can stay on top of your cleaning tasks so that your home never gets out of hand. Call Rob at 339-221-4702 or email